Monday, May 15, 2006

San Paulo prison riots

Updated Tuesday May 16

Prisoners hold a guard hostage with a knife at the Campo Mourao, in Parana, Brazil, on Monday, May 15, 2006. Masked men attacked bars, banks and police stations with machine guns. Gangs set buses on fire. Inmates at dozens of prisons took guards hostage in an unprecedented four-day wave of violence around South America's largest city that left more than 80 dead by Monday. (AP Photo/Dirceu Portugal-AGENCIA ESTADO)

Inmates sit at the windows of their jail cells at Guarulhos prison in Sao Paulo, May 15, 2006. Around 29 prison riots are going on around Sao Paulo state.

Burning Bus of the day

Members of the First Capital Command, known by its Portuguese initials PCC, riot on top of the Junqueiropolis penitentiary in Sao Paulo state, Brazil, Sunday, May 14, 2006. The signs read: 'PCC, peace, justice and liberty,' left, and 'against oppression,' right. (AP Photo/Alex Silva, Agencia Estado)

Shock troops members head towards the under-18 'Febem da Vila Maria' prison complex where a riot rose up in Sao Paulo, Brazil. .(AFP/Mauricio Lima)

A police officer stands near a police station destroyed by a bomb attack in Fransisco Morato, about 50 km (31 miles) northeast from Sao Paulo, Brazil May 14, 2006. At least 52 people, including 35 police officers, have been killed after a second night of organized gang attacks on police stations across the southeastern state of Sao Paulo, officials said REUTERS/Paulo Whitaker.

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At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the real issue behind these riots? On the news today they blamed it on criminal gangs who are protesting the moving of two of their gang leaders to remote prison loctions.

At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you won't believe it. the leaders of the pcc gang where mad because they were tranfered to prisons with no tv. remember that we are in world cup mode rigth now in brazil, and the mere thought of having no tv these days is the worst possible torture. the riots were the answer.

At 5:03 PM, Blogger Riot Porn said...

Got this backgrounder in my email box today. FYI.

Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC; Portuguese for "First Command of the
Capital"; IPA pronunciation: [pɾi'meɾu ko'mɐ̃du da kapi'taw]) is a politically-oriented Brazilian prison gang-turned-criminal organization founded in 1993 by inmates of Taubaté prison in São Paulo.

Since its inception, PCC has been responsible for several criminal activities such as prison breaks, prison riots, drug trafficking, highway robbery and terrorist activities.


PCC was founded on August 31, 1993, by eight prisoners at Taubaté
Penitentiary, called Piranhão (Big Piranha) in the state of São Paulo. At the time this was the safest jail in the state.

The group got together during a Football game. When prisoners were
transferred from the city of São Paulo to the Piranhão as punishment for bad behavior, they decided to name their football team the Capital

The initial members were Misael "Misa" Aparecido da Silva, Wander Eduardo "Cara Gorda" (Fat Face) Ferreira, Antônio Carlos Roberto da Paixão, Isaías "Esquisito" (Weird) Moreira do Nascimento, Ademar "Dafé" dos Santos, Antônio "Bicho Feio" (Ugly Creature) Carlos dos Santos, César "Césinha" (Little César) Augusto Roris da Silva and José "Geleião" (Big Jelly) Márcio Felício.

PCC, which was also formerly referred to as the Party of Crime, and as 15.3.3 (following the order of the letters "P" and "C" in the former Brazilian alphabet), was founded with a clear political agenda, aiming to "fight the oppression inside the São Paulo penitentiary system" and to "avenge the death of 111 prisoners", victims of the October 2, 1992 Carandiru Massacre, when the São Paulo State Military Police stormed the now extinct Casa de Detenção (a very large prison) and killed prisoners
from its 9th pavillion in the process.

The group made use of the Chinese yin yang symbol as their emblem, saying it represented "a way to balance good and evil with wisdom".

In February 2001, Idemir "Sombra" (Shadow) Carlos Ambrósio became the most prominent leader of the organization when he coordinated, by cell phone, simultaneous rebellions in 29 São Paulo state prisons, in which 16 prisoners were killed. "Sombra", also referred to as "father", was beaten to death on the Piranhão five months later by five members of the criminal faction in an internal struggle for the general command of the PCC. The PCC was led by "Geleião" and "Cesinha", responsible for the alliance with
another criminal organization, Rio de Janeiro's Comando Vermelho. Geleião and Cesinha, from the Bangú Penitentiary where they were held,
went on to coordinate violent attacks against public buildings. Considered radicals by another moderate current of the PCC, they used terrorism to intimidate authorities of the prison system and were withdrawn from leadership in November 2002, when the leadership was taken by the current leader of the organization Marcos "Marcola" Willians Herbas Camacho. After he took over, the organization put a death bounty on Geleião and Cesinha,
on the counts of having testified to the police and creating the Terceiro
Comando da Capital (Third Capital Command, TCC).

Under the leadership of Marcola, also known as "Playboy," currently
detained for bank robbery, the PCC took part in the March 2003 murder of Judge Antônio José Machado Dias, who ran the Penitentiary Readaptation Center (CRP) from Presidente Bernardes, currently Brazil's most strict supermax-style prison. The PCC also announced its objective to use prison uprisings as a way to demoralize the government and to destroy the CRP.

The organization is partly funded by its members, called "brothers." They
are required to pay a monthly fee of R$50.00 (about US $23) while in prison, or R$500.00 (about US $230) if they are outside of it. The money
is used to buy weapons and drugs, and also to finance operations to bail out prisoners connected to the organization. In order to become a member of the PCC, the prospective member needs to be formally introduced by another regular member, taking an oath to follow its 16-clause statute.


1. Lealdade, respeito, e solidariedade acima de tudo ao Partido
2. A Luta pela liberdade, justiça e paz
3. A união da Luta contra as injustiças e a opressão dentro das prisões
4. A contribuição daqueles que estão em Liberdade com os irmãos dentro da
prisão através de advogados, dinheiro, ajuda aos familiares e ação de
5. O respeito e a solidariedade a todos os membros do Partido, para que
não haja conflitos internos, porque aquele que causar conflito interno
dentro do Partido, tentando dividir a irmandade será excluído e repudiado
do Partido.
6. Jamais usar o Partido para resolver conflitos pessoais, contra pessoas
de fora. Porque o ideal do Partido está acima de conflitos pessoais. Mas o
Partido estará sempre Leal e solidário à todos os seus integrantes para
que não venham a sofrerem nenhuma desigualdade ou injustiça em conflitos
7. Aquele que estiver em Liberdade "bem estruturado" mas esquecer de
contribuir com os irmãos que estão na cadeia, serão condenados à morte sem
8. Os integrantes do Partido tem que dar bom exemplo à serem seguidos e
por isso o Partido não admite que haja assalto, estupro e extorsão dentro
do Sistema.
9. O partido não admite mentiras, traição, inveja, cobiça, calúnia,
egoísmo, interesse pessoal, mas sim: a verdade, a fidelidade, a
hombridade, solidariedade e o interesse como ao Bem de todos, porque somos
um por todos e todos por um.
10, Todo integrante tem que respeitar a ordem e a disciplina do Partido.
Cada um vai receber de acôrdo com aquilo que fez por merecer. A opinião de
Todos será ouvida e respeitada, mas a decisão final será dos fundadores do
11. O Primeiro Comando da Capital PCC fundado no ano de 1993, numa luta
descomunal e incansável contra a opressão e as injustiças do Campo de
concentração "anexo" à Casa de Custódia e Tratamento de Taubaté, tem como
tema absoluto a "Liberdade, a Justiça e Paz".
12. O partido não admite rivalidades internas, disputa do poder na
Liderança do Comando, pois cada integrante do Comando sabe a função que
lhe compete de acordo com sua capacidade para exercê-la.
13. Temos que permanecer unidos e organizados para evitarmos que ocorra
novamente um massacre semelhante ou pior ao ocorrido na Casa de Detenção
em 02 de outubro de 1992, onde 11 presos foram covardemente assassinados,
massacre este que jamais será esquecido na consciência da sociedade
brasileira. Porque nós do Comando vamos mudar a prática carcerária,
desumana, cheia de injustiças, opressão, torturas, massacres nas prisões.
14. A prioridade do Comando no montante é pressionar o Governador do
Estado à desativar aquele Campo de Concentração " anexo" à Casa de
Custódia e Tratamento de Taubaté, de onde surgiu a semente e as raízes do
comando, no meio de tantas lutas inglórias e a tantos sofrimentos atrozes.
16. Partindo do Comando Central da Capital do KG do Estado, as diretrizes
de ações organizadas simultâneas em todos os estabelecimentos penais do
Estado, numa guerra sem trégua, sem fronteira, até a vitória final.
16. O importante de tudo é que ninguém nos deterá nesta luta porque a
semente do Comando se espalhou por todos os Sistemas Penitenciários do
estado e conseguimos nos estruturar também do lado de fora, com muitos
sacrifícios e muitas perdas irreparáveis, mas nos consolidamos à nível
estadual e à médio e longo prazo nos consolidaremos à nível nacional. Em
coligação com o Comando Vermelho - CV e PCC iremos revolucionar o país
dentro das prisões e nosso braço armado será o Terror "dos Poderosos"
opressores e tiranos que usam o Anexo de Taubaté e o Bangú I do Rio de
Janeiro como instrumento de vingança da sociedade na fabricação de
Conhecemos nossa força e a força de nossos inimigos Poderosos, mas estamos
preparados, unidos e um povo unido jamais será vencido.
O Quartel General do PCC, Primeiro Comando da Capital, em coligação com
Comando Vermelho CV

At 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any chance of getting a translation on the sixteen points. Depending on what news source I loko at these people are either gangster thugs or marxist rebels.

At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually bogzarten, you are an idiot.

At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boagartzen is NOT an idiot. What the hell does holding guards hostage do for the class struggle? Does it further the class consciousness? NO! FOOL!


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