Burning car of the day

A Police vehicle burning at the Montfermeil city hall, north of Paris, early Wednesday, May 31. 2006. Riot police deployed in force to a troubled suburb of Paris after youths hurled gasoline bombs at public buildings, pelted police with projectiles and took to the streets with baseball bats the night before. (AP Photo /Jacques Brinon)
Broken window of the day

A police car is seen through a broken window from Montfermeil city hall, north of Paris, Tuesday, May 30, 2006, after police clashed overnight with about 100 youths who tossed Molotov cocktails at public buildings, in an incident that revived memories of the riots that shook the nation last year. The youths, many masked and wielding baseball bats, hurled projectiles at police and lobbed Molotov cocktails at public buildings. (AP Photo/Jacques Brinon)
Burning sweatshop of the day

A Bangladeshi fire worker extinguishes a fire at a textile factory at Ashulia, near the capital Dhaka. Angry garment workers set fire to at least seven textile factories in and around the Bangladesh capital Tuesday, after news that a worker shot in the back during recent protests over better pay and working conditions had died, officials and witnesses said. (AFP/Farjana K. Godhuly)

Six Nations: natives remove blockade, are attacked, then re-establish blockade
May 22, 2006 CBC video footage
For breaking news as well as background information, video files, and links see the Autonomy & Solidarity Six Nations / Caledonia resource page and the Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty website

Michael Laughing throws bread and cheese back at the Caledonia residents who angrily left it for the Natives in front of the blockade near Caledonia, Ont., May 22. Even Queen Victoria's holiday tradition of providing natives with a gift of bread and cheese, in appreciation for their loyalty, became part of the fracas on Highway 6 yesterday when native protestors hurled loaves of bread and packages of processed cheese back at the townsfolk.

Barricades erected by Six Nations protesters at Caledonia, Ont., came down as planned on Monday morning, but a major road near Hamilton was still partially out of operation after non-native protesters set up a blockade of their own over the weekend.

Native spokesperson Clyde Powless, brown jacket, gets into a shoving match with Caldonia residents following the removal of the Native barricade near Caledonia, Ont., on May 22, 2006.(SHERYL NADLER/HAMILTON SPECTATOR)

Non natives attack Six Nations citizens and supporters at a "Caledonian" blockade.